The Story behind Pisces Creative Co.

Wow what a journey! Here I am launching another business - Pisces Creative Co.

How did I get here?

OMG how long have you got??!!

Suffice to say that Branding and Graphic design has long been a love of mine, in fact when I first started my business 9 years ago it was nearly a graphic design business!

I’ve been creating a range of my own graphic and web design work over the years but it only really solidified as my business direction when I studied and then taught astrology and I downloaded my proprietary AstroBranding framework.

And then in 2019 when speaking on stage I had someone tell me how much they loved the branding that I had designed. It was a realisation moment that I was good enough and that I was going to choose myself.

I realised that I had something very special that I wanted to share with the world.

I knew that I had some work to do though so I spent time studying graphic design. I’ve taken advanced courses in Adobe Illustrator and In-Design, Colour Psychology and Brand Theory and Strategy and on how to run a professional branding and graphic design services business from some amazing mentors.

I have invested heavily in myself and this business.

I’ve had some amazing clients trust me with their brand in my early stages and I have a great graphic designer on call should I need any extra help.

This branding and graphic design business has been created for a few reasons:

  1. To give my Astrologically Aligned Branding work the energetic and physical space it needs to shine and be seen in own right

  2. To create a legacy business that my girls can takeover one day should they desire

  3. To focus on branding and design content and offerings and offer a seamless customer experience

So, what does the name mean?

Well again a few things!

  1. Pisces is the sensitive, creative, imaginative and soulful sign of the zodiac which I feel is perfect for the type of branding business I wanted to create.

  2. My soul clients as seen through my natal astrology chart are “Pisces Types” - so not necessarily a Pisces sun sign but a soulful, sensitive and creative woman who needs help getting her soul work out into the world. You can find out your soul client archetype here.

  3. Both my daughters have strong Pisces signatures in their chart so it feels aligned if they choose to take it over one day.

So take a look around and check out the ways you can work with me here


11 tips for a Successful Brand Photoshoot